The Buying Decision… Ideas Please
We have some questions for our loyal followers – we need the following questions answered so we can do effective marketing:
- What selling point would make other businesses or schools want to control their Air Conditioners with our technology?
- What arguments would other businesses or schools use against installing the technology?
- What arguments would you use against that to get them to purchase our technology?
- Do you think they would prefer to buy or rent?
- What businesses do you think could benefit from our technology?
Getting these questions answered would really help us.
Use Cases
We have started producing Use Cases for the Climate product line. What have we missed? I am sure there are a lot of places that our products could be used that we are missing. If you can think of anything, please let us know and we will add it to our list.
Alternately, if you have ideas for products, let us know about them too. You might just get a working prototype in return for the idea.