Our Second Product
Thanks to KD, our Embedded Systems manager, here is a sneak preview of our second product. Obviously, it is not finished yet, but this should give you an idea that we are definitely moving forward.
Thanks to KD, our Embedded Systems manager, here is a sneak preview of our second product. Obviously, it is not finished yet, but this should give you an idea that we are definitely moving forward.
In developing the Extreme Edition product, we needed a way to configure the device to connect to a WiFi access point. We figured the best way to do this was via WiFi! Getting this working was more of a challenge …
One of the hardest things when you are trying to start a new business venture and you start going with outsourced employees, rather than doing everything yourself, is the loss of control. This loss of control can leave you feeling …
During this week I visited the CeBit computer show in Sydney, looking for possible competition, and possible technology providers. There was some fantastic news. Not only was there zero competition for the core business of Redshift Wireless, but I got …
I had some great demos of the back end during the week, and it blew my mind. I don’t mind saying that the work blew my mind. Showing it to a colleague, he was blown away, and realized that this …
The Printed Circuit Boards I was waiting on arrived today. I have now made up an initial batch, and have more PCB’s arriving in a week, if needed!
Every morning I have a ritual. At the moment this ritual involves me going through the task list item by item, wondering what items might actually get delivered today. Or tomorrow. or next week. I know that some of the …
As the Southern Hemisphere prepares for Winter, articles are starting to appear about how to save money on your heating bill. One from the Sydney Morning Herald suggests that one great way is to adjust the thermostat, with every 1 …
Some news. I have been waiting on two Printed Circuit Boards (or PCB’s) for ages. It is scary how long I have been waiting. Well, one of them arrived in this mornings email. This is what I call absolutely brilliant. …
Let’s be realistic. Electricity has never been free. Initially, it was sold as a service, and then electricity meters were introduced so that people would be charged for what they used. Well, actually, a facility charge, and a charge for …